About Us

About Us

GreenLink Ecology Ltd. is a well-established ecological and arboricultural consultancy based in Sevenoaks, in the county of Kent. We have excellent road/rail connections allowing us to efficiently access sites across all of the SE of England, particularly in Kent, Surrey, Sussex and London. We employ consultant ecologists who are members of the Chartered Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM), along with experienced consultant arborists committed to delivering conservation gains through commercial consultancy.

Our aim is to present pragmatic ecological solutions to the wide variety of clients that utilise our services, including private individuals, architects, developers, local authorities, utility companies and many others. We are involved in a diverse range of contracts, from ecological appraisals, to complex protected species licensing and mitigation strategies.


Marcus Fry is the director and principal ecologist with over 20 years experience in project management and ecological consultancy. He has a MSc. degree from Imperial College in Environmental Technology and Ecological Management, a BSc degree in Geology and Oceanography from the University of Southampton, is a full member of the CIEEM and holds Natural England survey and mitigation licenses for bats and great crested newt.

Leon Brown has worked with GreenLink Ecology as a consultant ecologist since 2008. He has a BSc. Biology degree and holds a Natural England Class II licence for bats. Leon’s particular specialties are Ecological Clerk of Works, the implementation of mitigation strategies and habitat creation.

Neil Taylor has worked with GreenLink Ecology Ltd. as arboricultural consultant since 2009 and has over 15 years industry experience. Neil produces detailed reports and drawings in accordance with BS 5837:2012 “Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – recommendations”.

Rachel Hedley started working with GreenLink Ecology Ltd. as an assistant ecologist in 2012 and has accumulated substantial experience in a wide range of projects. Rachel is a Natural England bat licence holder, an experienced Ecological Clerk of Works and is applying for associate membership of the CIEEM.

In addition to dedicated staff, GreenLink Ecology Ltd. also works with a network of experienced ecologists to ensure we have the required resources available to undertake large scale projects, throughout Buckinghamshire, Essex, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Kent, London, Oxfordshire, Surrey and Sussex.

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