European Protected Species (EPS) include bats, dormouse and great crested newt, which are relatively widespread and often a material consideration in planning applications. These species and their habitats receive full legal protection under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010, in addition to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended).
In circumstances where it is not possible to avoid the risk of impacts to an EPS, Natural England can issue an EPS mitigation licence to allow activities to take place that would otherwise be prohibited, without committing an offence.
To inform an EPS mitigation licence application, detailed survey work needs to be undertaken in accordance with published guidelines, by suitable experienced and licensed ecologists, during the optimal survey season.
GreenLink Ecology Ltd. has substantial experience in surveying for bats, great crested newt and dormouse, along with the preparation of EPSM licence applications and has a 100% success rate in obtaining mitigation licences from Natural England.